Chapter 11 |
Maximum Levels of Appointments and
Summer Session Appointments |
As of July 1, 2013, Wis. Stat. 16.417(2)(f) states that
the $12,000 overload cap does not apply to individuals employed by the Board of
Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, but only with respect to
compensation received within the system,
This definition pertains to the faculty, academic staff, and limited
appointees employed within the UW System.
For the 2013-14 fiscal year, overload compensation may
not exceed the higher of 20 percent of the employee’s base appointment salary
or $18,000, unless the Provost(or Academic Personnel Office as the designee)
determines good cause exists to exceed this threshold and issues an exception.
The salary received by full-time faculty, academic staff
and limited appointees is considered full compensation for University activity
during the appointment period. Professionals with unclassified appointments
(generally exempt from Fair Labor Standards Act [FLSA] provisions) are expected
to work without extra pay until their assignments are completed. Under
extraordinary circumstances, a temporary base adjustment or overload request
may be approved if a need can be sufficiently demonstrated.
Options such as adjustments in the employee’s current duties
in order to release time to meet new responsibilities; or a purchase-of-load
arrangement in which funds are transferred from another department or unit into
an employee’s current department or unit as a purchase of institutional time
should be considered before overload payments are granted. However, there are instances in which asking
an employee to do more than the duties his/her regular appointment requires is
the only viable alternative, and it is appropriate to compensate the individual
for this additional work.
Generally, overload payments may be made where (1) with
the consent of the employee, substantial additional work requirements are added
to the existing duties of a full-time employee creating a workload in excess of
100% of the employee’s time and the performance of these additional duties is
unusual, short-term or nonrecurring in nature, or (2) a full-time employee of
one UW institution accepts an institution-approved part-time position to
perform duties at another institution in addition to his/her full-time
position. If an employee is not
full-time (100% FTE), additional compensation is not considered an overload. If an employee temporarily holds two
positions that combined exceed 100%, the compensation paid above 100% is
considered an overload.
The determination that an overload is appropriate must be
made before the work is performed. It is unfair to ask employees to complete
additional duties without first submitting an overload request to ensure
approval by all necessary department and division HR Representatives.
Involving a Recurring or Continuing Commitment
Short-term or Nonrecurring Assignments
When unanticipated assignments are of an unusual,
short-term or nonrecurring nature, overload payments may be approved if
sufficient need is demonstrated. The general rule for overloads is that they should
not exceed six months.
Consideration for Faculty Overloads
For faculty, overloads for activities other than assuming administrative responsibilities are unusual; they are not appropriate for and will not be approved for service responsibilities, for conducting research (including being the recipient of a grant) or other scholarly activities, nor for teaching within the usual curriculum of the department. Requests for consideration for overloads (or a temporary base adjustment) for unusual circumstances require prior approval by the APO and the Provost.
following information pertains primarily to overloads involving state
agencies. The $12,000 cap remains in
place for UW employees doing work for state agencies. An individual who is employed by the Board of
Regents of the University of Wisconsin System (defined above as faculty,
academic staff, and limited appointees) is not subject to the $12,000 overload
cap, but only with respect to compensation received within the UW system.
payments require the prior approval of the employee, the department creating
the overload (or the division if the unit is non-departmentalized), the
employee's home department(s), the Dean/Director of the division(s) in which
the individual is employed, and the Dean/Director of the unit creating the
overload, if different.
Approval of overloads has been delegated to the division HR offices except for the following four situations:
Overload payments in
excess of $18,000, or if a single overload will cause a person to exceed
$18,000 in combined overload payments in a fiscal year or 20% (whichever is
Any request
involving payment to a faculty member for teaching within the university (also
requires prior approval of APO and the Provost).
Request for an
overload in the summer for a C-basis employee already employed on a Summer
Session or Summer Service position (refer to UPPP 11.02 for more information).
Overload payment
that would result in a Category A academic staff employee receiving more than
the maximum of the pay range.
Overloads must be submitted for approval via the automated
Overload System. The link is available at: The creating department (or Dean/Director’s office if
the unit is non-departmentalized) initiates the request in the overload system.
The request is routed via email to the necessary units involved. The routing
process is identified within the system based on whether the units involved are
departmentalized or not. Please note: only users authorized to approve requests
at the division level in the PVL System will be able to mark the “Last Step” box
in the Overload Approval System. This checkbox signifies the final approval of
the overload and generates an email stating that the overload can now be paid. Overloads that meet the criteria of one of
the four scenarios above need to be routed to Catharine DeRubeis ( in the Academic Personnel Office.
If approved, lump sum payments can be made directly to the
employee subject to any applicable extramural funding restrictions.
A separate appointment with the appropriate title and FTE
may also be set up if appropriate. For
example, if the duties of the overload do not fit into the person’s current
title, or if the work is being done at a different UW institution, creating a
separate job with an applicable title would be the best approach for the
overload payment. The FTE for the
overload should not exceed 20% or expected payment of $18,000 (whichever is greater),
unless prior approval of APO has been obtained.
Every effort should be made to ensure overloads are paid
in a timely fashion based on when the work is done. An overload should be paid within one month
of the services being performed.
Alternatively, if the rules governing the source of the
additional funding permit, payment can be made to the employee's department as
"a purchase of institutional service" from that unit, in lieu of
making a direct payment. In either case, the calculation of payment should
include preparation time and follow-up activities as part of the overload
Unanticipated assignments of an unusual, short-term or
nonrecurring nature may also be handled with a temporary salary base
adjustment. However, temporary base adjustments typically are for longer
periods of time, e.g., 6 months, a semester. As with overload payments, any
temporary base adjustment must be reasonable in terms of the original base
salary and the time spent, effort involved, and level of skills required for
the additional assignment. If current title is in the Category A academic
staff, the range maximum cannot be exceeded. For information about requesting a
temporary salary base adjustment and the approval process, see Chapter 10.
For more detailed and specific information, consult §16.417(2) Wis. Stats.
of Wisconsin-Madison
Unclassified Personnel Policies and Procedures—Ch. 11.01
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Last updated November 7, 2013