Probationary Extensions

I. Timeframes  (Reference ER-MRS 13.09)

All extension requests should be made to the Classified Personnel Office with as much lead time as possible. cannot guarantee that requests made with less than two-week notice will be completed prior to the probation’s end date.

Under ER-MRS 13.09 permanent status ”… is attained immediately upon completion of the last work period to which the employee was assigned to work during his or her probationary period regardless of whether it falls on or before the last day of the probationary period.”  DER has consistently interpreted this to mean the extension must be approved and notice to the employee must take place BEFORE this last work date.  If either is in process but not completed, the employee attains permanent status in class.


     (Reference ER-MRS 13.02)  (Provision does not apply to six-month permissive probations.)

     Employing units should send the request for an extension to the Classified Personnel Office at least two weeks prior to the end of the probationary period   


A.      The request should include the following three items:

              1.  Specific identification of the authority under which the request is being made, either ER-MRS

                                    13.02 (2)(a) or (2)(b):

ER-MRS 13.02 (2) (a) “…Unanticipated change in the program or duty assignment…” Such requests should include an explanation of the unanticipated change in program or duty assignment and ideally the new duties the employee will need to accomplish in order to successfully pass the probation.        OR

                                    ER-MRS 13.02 (2) (b) “…substantial change in performance”

Such requests should describe the substantial  change between past and current performance.  This may be accomplished by attaching a copy of the earlier probationary performance evaluation and a recent one that reflects the changes. 

2.        A current probationary evaluation as an attachment (if not already provided as part of A1 above).

3.  A draft letter to the employee from the supervisor, which addresses the following:

a.        Identification of the specific performance outcome(s) that must be achieved or maintained in order to pass probation.

b.       Identification of strategies the employer will take to improve the employee’s performance or to provide the employee the necessary training.

c.        A proposed schedule of meetings (preferably weekly or biweekly) to share feedback  and expectations to keep the employee fairly informed of his or her status and progress.        

B.       The Extension Process

1.          will contact the employing unit personnel office to resolve any questions about the submitted request.

2.   will inform the employing unit personnel representative if the request is approved or denied. 

     a.     If approved,  will:

- enter the revised end date in the appointment system,

- inform the employee by letter of the extended probation date (with a hard copy and an e-mail copy to  the employing unit personnel representative), 

- place a copy in the employee’s personnel file, and maintain the original request in a separate probation extension file subject to inspection by the Administrator of DER- DMRS staff.               

b.    If approved, the employing unit will:

-Ensure the draft letter to the employee from the supervisor (see A3) is finalized  and sent  to the employee, with copy to personnel file.

III. extension due to absence  (reference ER-MRS 13.05)


The appointing authority in the employing unit has the authority to decide if probation will be extended for absences up to 174 hours.  For absences more than 174 hours, the probation shall be extended, except that the appointing authority may waive up to 174 hours. 

A.  Approval of requests for extensions due to absences. The probationary period shall be extended by the length of time absent, except the appointing authority may waive up to 174 hours

1. The employing unit’s appointing authority may approve the extension due to absences.

 2. When approved, the employing unit’s appointing authority will:

a.   send to the employee notification of the extension under ER-MRS 13.05, identifying the new end date (refer to I. Timeframes), and

b.  send a copy to personnel file, marking such letters ATTENTION PROBATION  END DATE CHANGE to alert to enter the new date into the appointment system. 

c.   will change the end date in the appointment system and file the letter in the employee’s personnel file.

B.  Notice: It is recommended that the appointing authority give an employee who is on a long-term approved leave notice as soon as possible that the probation will be extended by the length of the absence and not wait until the employee returns

IV. EXTENSIONS UNDER WIS. STAT. 230.28 (bm) are not delegated to UW Madison. 

The Division Level Representative (DLR) in the employing unit  (list at develops the  request for the extension in consultation with the Disability Coordinator/Employment in the Office of Equity and Diversity.  The request should identify Wis. Stat. 230.28 (bm) and explain the reasons for the extension.

Employing units should send such requests to the Classified Personnel Office. 

The PROCESS steps under II B 1 and 2a will be followed.  No medical information will be filed in the employee’s personnel file.  Any such material will be returned to the DLR to be filed in the employing unit’s confidential medical file.


probationextprocApril26.doc-modified 4/8/2003